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- Summer Corn Pollinator
Corteva Agriscience in Janesville is hiring for corn pollinating
Help for mid-July through early August. Starting
Wage $15.00 per hour. Ages 14 and up.
* Earn good money while working just a fraction of your summer vacation.
- Gain Valuable work experience.
1039 Milton Shopiere Rd, Janesville WI 53546
or email the below information to Denise.
I am interested in summer work with Corteva Agriscience/Pioneer. (PRINT CLEARLY) Name__________________________________________________________________
Mailing address__________________________________________________________
City_________________________________State___________Zip_________________ Email
Cell Phone #_____________________________________________________________
Will you be 14 years old by July 1 of this year?_________________________________
Have you worked for Pioneer before?____________________________________
Ability to work out doors in hot humid conditions in a corn field.